Monday, April 28, 2014


Book Report #3

This next set of activities ended up being my favorite! Last week the class took a field trip to the zoo and we decided that as a class, our favorite zoo animal is a penguin. They are so cute! So for our reading lesson I decided to add in some penguin reading from National Geographic. We read as a class National Geographic Kids: Penguins! by Anne Schreiber. 

This was a great book to read because it involved many pictures and they were able to learn even more about the animal that we enjoyed so much while we were at the zoo. 

The next activity was to play an interactive learning game online (that of course involved penguins!) from the National Geographic Kids site online. The children learned even more about penguins and were able to see more pictures and even watch videos. They were also able to explore the site for other creatures that they were interested in learning about.

After we were all finished exploring the creatures, it was time for "Book Report 3". I wanted to make this more of an art project but I also wanted to involve the reading, so the students took torn pieces of paper and made them into the shape of the penguin and the penguins were standing in water. Then underneath the penguin, I told them to write 3 facts that they learned about penguins. These projects turned out so cute!

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