Monday, April 28, 2014

I Need

Book Report #2

The second activity that I introduced to my first graders was a lesson on plants. We began with the story I Need  by Clark Ness, and read along as a class. 

This story involves many pictures that help the students read along and aid in visualization. This activity was a little bit different because the symbols resembled one word and it was great because I was reading aloud and every time the students saw the symbols they said it out loud together!

After reading the story, the class once again went to the computers with a partner and took turns with this interactive game on This is a reading game that deals with grammar in the present and if they are advanced enough, grammar in the past. 

I tried to stick with a theme, but it was tough to find an interactive game that dealt with plants! But this ended up being a great activity because the children loved to play it. It was tough to get them off of the computers!

For their "Book Report #2" I had the students draw their favorite flower with colored pencils. Then they had to tell me why this flower was their favorite!

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